Register Memory
Register Memory Register memory is the smallest and fastest memory o n your computer. It is not part of main memory , but is located o n the CPU in the form of registers, which are the smallest data holding elements. R egister s temporarily s tore frequently used data, co mma n d s, and memory addresse s used by the CPU. H olds the command currently being processed from the CPU. All data m u s t pass through registers before it can be processed. Theref o re , i t is used to process the data entered by the user from the CPU . The r egister hold s a small amount of data , a b ou t 32 to 64 bits. The speed of the CPU depends on the number and size (n umber of bits) of the registers built into the CPU. Registers can be of va r ious types d e pen d ing on the application. W idely used r egisters include a ccumulator s or AC s , d ata r egisters and DRs, address registers or ARs, program count e rs (PCs), and I / O address registers . Types and Fu...